Foamy Fanatics

From The Staff => Forum Announcements => Topic started by: shadav on October 29, 2019, 01:44:24 PM

Title: We're back
Post by: shadav on October 29, 2019, 01:44:24 PM
Sorry for being offline for so long, had some personal issues.... but....
We Are Back
Let the chaos continue   :devil1:

you'll notice the forum, if you remember, has been updated and has a new theme ;)
working on making it matchy-matchy with the main site

slowly working on fixing things, updating things and adding new things
I've got 5 years worth of stuff to do  =))

originally I was trying to move everything over to the foamiki, but....I don't think that is really possible....
the script hasn't been updated in years and I don't see them supporting it much anymore (Seeing as they shut down their customer support forums)
and well it's rather borked at the moment and I'm not sure how to fix it yet...
it will remain active, and I may play with it later...but for now....time to move everything back to the forums :D

So well anyways... Welcome back ;) or welcome to the new members (yet to come)

[edit] deleted the foamiki, it was beyond my help and outdated...sorry but not willing to dish out several hundred dollars for someone to fix it...the forum will work just as well
Title: Re: We're back
Post by: shadav on May 23, 2020, 12:24:25 AM
And we are back again...

sorry, seems that Foamy went on a rant and killed the forum....

I really don't know what broke it....nothing had changed....but I think everything is fixed again.

And will be uploading more episodes within the next few days...