Foamy Fanatics

From The Staff => Forum Announcements => Topic started by: shadav on July 27, 2020, 01:15:20 AM

Title: Welcome to the new forum
Post by: shadav on July 27, 2020, 01:15:20 AM
To those older members you may notice that the forum is a bit different

to newer members, welcome :)

I have converted the old phpbb forum to an smf forum

it's been a long time coming, over the years there were quite a few problems with phpbb but taking on the task of converting was daunting
and well it's still been a major pain in my ass but I've managed to mostly keep things the same, more or less.....within 90% of the same look and feel

nothing against phpbb, but smf suits my needs better
phpbb is more plug and play but not so easy to customize, whereas I have a bit more understanding of smf and can customize things easier
and well back when this forum was started phpbb was a lot easier to customize

ANYWAYS.... as always I'm working on improving things and this was the only way that I could improve on the forum to switch softwares

so well, as always if you find any issues please let me know :)

and please bare with me as I am having to go through every single post and correct them
but it's giving me a chance to remove all of the youtube links where they deleted episodes
if and when J.I.M. moves to another platform that pays him for views, I will add those to the posts, otherwise you can always view the episodes hosted on here :)

you will notice that on posts there are tabs to chose from, YouTube and Foamy Fanatics....otherwise where youtube is not available it will just be Foamy Fanatics hosted episodes.

There are also other themes to choose from but please note that not all modifications may work correctly on other themes, I've tried to make everything play nice but in some places that is not possible.