Not too long ago, I had the idea of putting a big Foamy Desktop for myself, and later I decided to make at least three, in a Flash file, added with some scripts, to make it one desktop that every time you start your Computer, you will have a random Desktop theme, with also a small piece of paper/talk bubble that gives random quotes from either the episode theme that is currently as desktop, or of all three together.
Just so you will know, I will not take a screenshot and put it in bigger size.
I will combine pictures, background and add some of my own art to make a desktop.
Although it seems background is a problem... if it's size is bigger than the episode's regular, it's quality turns very i'm still looking for a solution , and meanwhile the background is a bit bigger, with the black part of the screen wider as space for foamy, while everything in the desktop that the picture does not cover will be black.
Just letting you know. and I could use some help besides the criticism that is always needed.
Right now I made a "Beta" version of the Unamusement park episode.
Here it is:
I decided to make the text in a Wild West style, like those baby-gun bottle shooting....things.... that are in traditional amusement parks.
Also, I can put any of the foamy in the front, and so on.
I just felt like that one should be in the middle.
So suggestions would be nice...that's partly why I am posting this.