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Help: Bulletin Board Code

The buttons shown belong to the SMF default theme and may differ from forum to forum.

Tag Name Button Code Output Comments
Bold Bold [b]bold[/b] bold *
Italicized Italicized [i]italicized[/i] italicized *
Underline Underline [u]underline[/u] underline *
Strikethrough Strikethrough [s]strikethrough[/s] strikethrough *
Glow Glow [glow=red,2,50]glow[/glow]
The three attributes (eg red, 2, 50) in the 'glow' tag are color, strength and width respectively.
Shadow Shadow [shadow=red,left]
The two attributes (eg red, left) in the 'shadow' tag are color and direction respectively.
Marquee Marquee [move]move[/move] Not valid XHTML, but can also be used for images!
Preformatted Text Preformatted Text [pre]Simple
Preserves critical text formatting, rendered in a monospace font.
Left Align Left Align [left]left align[/left]

left align

Centered Centered [center]centered[/center]
Right Align Right Align [right]right align[/right]

right align

Right-to-Left * [rtl]right to left![/rtl]
right to left!
Typical usage would be to post Arabic or Hebrew in an English document.
Left-to-Right * [ltr]left to right![/ltr]
left to right!
Typical usage would be to post English in an Arabic or Hebrew document.
Horizontal Rule Horizontal Rule [hr]
Font Size * [size=10pt]font size[/size] font size *
Font Face * [font=Verdana]font face[/font] font face Only fonts installed on the user's computer will be displayed, so use with caution!
Font Color [color=Red]red[/color] red Select the color from the drop-down.
Insert Flash Insert Flash [flash=200,200]
http://somesite/somefile.swf Please note that, if embedded Flash has been disabled by the forum administrator(s), the Flash file will appear as a straight hyperlink as shown here. The two attributes in the 'flash' tag (where relevant) are width and height respectively.
Insert Image Insert Image [img]
Type the width and height attributes to resize the image.
[img width=48 height=48]
Insert Hyperlink Insert Hyperlink [url]http://somesite/[/url] http://somesite/ NB the 'url' tag opens in a new window, but you can type 'iurl' tags to open in the same window.
descriptive link
descriptive link
Insert Email Insert Email [email]
someone@somesite *
Insert FTP Link Insert FTP Link [ftp]
ftp://somesite/somefile *
descriptive link
descriptive link
Insert Table Insert Table [table][/table] * No meaningful output from the 'table' tags alone.
Insert Table Row * [table][tr][/tr][/table] * No meaningful output from the 'table' and 'tr' tags alone.
Insert Table Column * [table][tr][td]
Note the correct nesting of the tags, so the 'table' tags contain the 'tr' tags, which each contain an equal number of 'td' tags!
SMF Bulletin
Board Code
Superscript Superscript [sup]superscript[/sup] superscript *
Subscript Subscript [sub]subscript[/sub] subscript *
Teletype Teletype [tt]teletype[/tt] teletype Monospace font.
Insert Code Insert Code [code]<?php phpinfo(); ?>[/code]
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Always use to preserve formatting of code and avoid parsing as BBC and/or smileys!
Insert Quote Insert Quote [quote]quote[/quote]
Note the optional 'author' attribute.
[quote author=author]quote[/quote]
Quote from: author
Insert List Insert List [list]
[li]YaBB SE[/li]
  • SMF
  • YaBB SE
While you can add as many items as you wish, each item must be contained by the correct opening and closing tags. You can also style your list item bullets with special opening tags and no closing tags, but this option doesn't currently output valid XHTML.
  • circle
  • circle
  • circle
  • disc
  • disc
  • square
  • square
  • square
Abbreviation * [abbr=exempli gratia]eg[/abbr] eg Displays the full expression for the abbreviation on mouseover.
Acronym * [acronym=Simple Machines Forum]SMF[/acronym] SMF Displays the full expression for the acronym on mouseover.


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Foamy The Squirrel Cartoons & Images Are Copyright Jonathan Ian Mathers © iLL WiLL PreSS 2002 - 2025 Support J.I.M.Support J.I.M.
All Content Is From illwillpress.com and is not associated with this site.

We simply are a fan site trying to help spread the chaos of Foamy

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