Forum > Introductions

Welcome TymnUnown


Hello @TymnUnown and welcome to Foamy Fanatics

Please feel free to introduce yourself here :)

Foamy be with you

 :flipoff2: spam bot
 :denied:  :banned:  :banned1:


--- Quote from: shadav on a year ago --- :flipoff2: spam bot
 :denied:  :banned:  :banned1:

--- End quote ---

I guess i'm only the member who's not a bot and actives this forum haha

hehehe at the moment yeah...used to have more years ago but it's all good...
I don't really advertise the site that much and J.I.M.'s starting to reupload things to newsground so I mean meh.... but this site will remain in one way shape or form hosting all the neurotically yours series and some of the other series so that they don't get lost by the wayside because other platforms decided that the content wasn't suitable for whatever reason.


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