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Topic: Germaine Preview For Next Season  (Read 934 times)

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    Germaine Preview For Next Season
    « on: 15 years ago »
    « Last Edit: 2 years ago by shadav »

    Quote from: JIM
    May 22rd 2009
    Germaine Preview For Next Season :
    Though nothing is set in stone, I was debating on updating Germaine's look, yet again. Below is most likely the look for next season. (Though I may continue with the bald thing for awhile. However! If I do the update, she will still remain a fat bastard.) The update wouldn't take place until the first episode of Season 7. Which would be episode 201, posted in September. I may fiddle with it for a bit and post some variations over the next few weeks. Also, some folks get hung up on boobs, so I think I'll be doing a mass reduction or something. At this point I just kinda see 'em as fatty chest bags, so it doesn't matter to me, but viewers tend to get a bit obsessive. At least the guys do. THEY'RE JUST BOOBS! (Am I just flogging a dead horse here... 'cause no one seems to be getting the futility of physical attraction moral to all this). I blame the education system.

    Quote from: JIM
    May 23rd 2009
    Germaine Preview For Next Season UPDATE :
    After being up all night working on character revisions, script revisions and going through the handful of email I've received already about the Germaine update... I worked on it a bit more and came up with what's below. Just made her skirt longer and tossed on some legging things so there's not so much skin showing. Still workin' on the boob thing. Not sure if they should just be reduced or left as is. Seein' as how she's supposed to be fat, leaving her boobs large would be ideal, but I think they kinda stand out too much... Kinda like "HEY! BOOBS!"... All of this isn't going to matter much 'cause in the next season the Germaine character is going to be pushed into the background somewhat. Folks don't care much for her lamenting anymore and they'd rather hear foamy rant. So her part in the toon will be that of a conversationalist. Basically someone Foamy and the rest of the squirrels can bounce ideas off of... kinda like the old days before I got into pesky character development. The scripts I cut from next season will be turned into some sort of comic book thing when I get the chance. The bald version of Germaine will run through the comic strips for a little while as well, probably over-lapping the change.

    Quote from: JIM
    May 24th 2009
    Germaine Preview For Next Season UPDATE (AGAIN!):
    OK, after another long involved process and much debating, I decided to tone down the boobs, cover 'em up a bit, made her a little less fat than previous versions. Just kinda doughy, rather than morbidly obese, and revised the leggings to go higher. I'm trying to walk the line between making her fat, but not sexy, but also not repulsive. Just a normal chunky goth chic. Why is she bald? Personally, I like the bald version of her better I think. It gives her a really rough look, which is hard to get out of the refined Goth appearance. As time goes by Germaine is going to get more scrappy in her personality, and I don't think the Uber Goth hair style helps that. I still want to retain her rebellious attitude against the water-downed sub-cultures in our mainstream and I think the hair style would go against that. Like giving her hair would now be like selling out or something. I could just be way too damn picky in how I represent the character. Most people don't pay much attention to her anyway. Oh well...If you have an opinion on it. Shoot off an email GERMAINE STUFF.

    I guess i'd have to agree with the hair, it would kind of go against her new found hatred of the wanna be's if she went back so soon to her old hair style....
    but then again, i donno....bald? seems more punk than goth lol
    and =)) at the boobs..,...omg the amplified bible episode backfired and now she has no boobs   :twisted:

    however i don't agree with ditching Germaine as a main character, i rather find her episodes amusing...but I would have to agree she's been kinda taking over more so than Foamy lately.
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    Re: Germaine Preview For Next Season
    « Reply #1 on: 15 years ago »
    « Last Edit: 3 years ago by shadav »

    Quote from: J.I.M.
    May 25th 2009
    Germaine UPDATE (Responding to Responses) :
    After going through a ton of email, so far the general idea is that Germaine should be bald (or go back to her purple hair) No one's taking to the bleached look. So I guess that's squared away. So shaved it is! THE FANS HAVE SPOKEN! Surprisingly enough, most folks don't mind her being fat... a handful would rather have her rail thin... but anorexic Goths can be found everywhere in media. So why add to that. A few folks made a good point that the Ankh things were a bit gimmicky, and I kinda agree, so those will be ditched, and most folks like the somewhat tasteful covering up of the boobs... except the handful of people who wanted larger boobs...they're a bit bitter. I'm gonna take a few days break from working on her while I go through the rest of the emails. So I'll try to post a new pick in a few days. I've been racking my brain on this and it's good to get some feedback from folks. Seriously, sometimes I overthink things way too much and it's good to have someone just say "Leave things alone asshole! She's Fine!". ^_^
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    Re: Germaine Preview For Next Season
    « Reply #2 on: 15 years ago »
    « Last Edit: 3 years ago by shadav »

    Quote from: J.I.M.
    June 4th 2009

    Also, as for the whole Germaine thing, folks are mostly in favor of the bald look, so that will stay for now. Also, a lot of people want "Funnier" cartoons. Meaning they don't want to hear Germaine bitch about how sub-cultures and such are so exploited. For the most part, people want rants, and squirrelly goodness , not lamenting women complaining about crap. So, point taken. With this in mind I edited a bunch of Germaine based scripts and set them aside for comic books and such. What I'm left with essentially, are the funnier squirrel based cartoons people want to see more of. Not to say I wont toss out a lamenting Germaine cartoon every now and then, but the majority will be squirrel based. Funnier cartoons start immediately!
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    Re: Germaine Preview For Next Season
    « Reply #3 on: 15 years ago »
    « Last Edit: 2 years ago by shadav »

    Quote from: J.I.M.
    June 28th 2009
    Germaine Update (The Future, TODAY! ) :
    After going through a few thousand emails and a lot of twitching, I updated Germaine again. Here's what's happening. I'm advancing the whole "Bald & Fat Germaine" storyline by 2 years. So every script having to deal with Germaine being bald, & her weight issues and so forth have been ripped out of the series. Since folks don't have the patience for story and sub-plot. I'm just gonna get rid of it. The unused stories and scripts will be put into a comic book / graphic novel at a later time. The basic concept was to have Germaine, revolt against society, shave her head, gain a bunch of weight, have some sort of self-awakening, and eventually, accept herself as a person with the nifty and all powerful wisdom of Foamy! Eventually, Germaine was always going to return to her normal self, maybe with a few extra pounds, but I don't really want to have fans sit through two years of it. If I had more animators or something I could churn out all the cartoons like a mill and have the story progress faster. But after 8 years or whatever, I'm still the only one doing everything. So I guess some compromises have to be made. Most fans of the show will be happy that the whole fat/bald Germaine will be ditched sooner than later, and that's cool. Just irks me in a way because I won't be able to deliver the story the way I wanted to. I'll get to work on the graphic novel after the next DVD is finished. New Germaine cartoons start in September.
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